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Breakthrough in Student Affairs and Alumni in FIP UNY Student Research 2022

The field of student affairs and Alumni of FIP UNY held a Student Research Results Seminar in 2022. This student research was followed by 38 student research team groups consisting of representatives in each Study Program at the Faculty of Education. This seminar was held on May 12, 2022 from 09.00 to 13.00. This activity was attended by The Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of Dr. Joko Pamungkas, M.Pd. , Reviewer Team, Accompanying Lecturers, Students, and the BKA Team. This seminar was held online through Zoom meeting.
In the initial activity opened by Mr. Dr. Joko Pamungkas, M.Pd., as the coordinator of student activities, he gave a speech and thanked all research participants . Students who have participated in this activity. In addition, he also expressed his gratitude to the revewer who had attended this seminar. The target in this student research activity can provide real experience in researching and the final hasiul which is expected to be 35 journals on behalf of students.
After the speech and also the opening by the vice dean for student affairs and alumni then continued student research participants divided into 4 Rooms For Room 1 reviewer is mr. Dr. Cepi Safrudin Abdul Jabar, M.Pd. with 8 groups, then Room 2 Reviewer is Mrs. Sukinah, M.pd. with 9 Groups, Room 3 reviewer Dr. Siti Rohmah Nurhayati, M.S.i with 9 groups and the last room 4 with Reviewer Mr. Irfan Wahyu Pranonto, M.Pd. with 10 groups.
Students are given time to explain the results of their research. Furthermore, the Rievewers were asked to respond to the results of the presentation. This activity takes place alternately until it is completed. The presentation process is carried out alternately. The seminar was closed by the host. (BKA Squad)

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