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Digital-Based Marketing and Development of Giripurwo Village Assets
"Developing the Village" Program for the Development of Village Areas Assisted by FIP UNY on Saturday, May 14, 2022. This activity carries the theme of marketing and developing digital-based Giripurwo village assets. This activity was accompanied by two resource persons, namely Mr. Arif Wijayanto, M.Pd. and Mr. Ariyawan Agung N, M.Pd. The event was opened by Moderator Sister Nur Cahya Ningrum, the first speech was from the coordinator of the assisted villages and at the same time the deputy dean for student affairs and alumni, Dr. Joko Pamungkas.M.Pd. He expressed his gratitude and apologized during the activities in the assisted villages that had been carried out. The event was continued with an opening by Mr. Supriyadi, the Village Head of Giripurwo Village.
The first material was continued on digital branding and digital marketing by Mr. Aarif Wijayanto. Digital branding concept & framework agenda, digital marketing, digital marketing vs traditional marketing. Digital branding is a process to give a specific meaning about a brand/product/service to create a message to consumers to be top of mind through a digital marketing platform. Branding does not mean just the name, logo, slogan and design. must look for something unique from the resulting product. The advantage of digital branding is to increase recognition, build customer trust, generate potential or new customers, and support advertisements or promos that are created. The way to build digital branding is to build digital assets, become a product expert, visualize content, and create creative and interactive content. The purpose of digital marketing is to introduce the brand, build a community, identify the brand, enhance the brand. Games boss said to reduce participant boredom on the sidelines of delivering material. At the end of the practice session, creating market opportunities, because time had run out, it was closed and continued by the 2nd speaker. Before proceeding to the second material, one of the participants as an example.
The second material is about marketing using information technology by Mr. Ariyawan Agung Nugroho. Information technology such as mobile phones, cameras, internet, websites, social media, and sales media is an integral part of marketing. The importance of marketing with IT is the use of IT more and more, it is easy to spread, the visualization is diverse, and it is more effective. Shown examples of marketing packaging such as ebsite. How to make a website: don't bother with a domain name, complete the required data, promising visuals, a suitable and attractive display theme, an easy-to-access server, and link with other internet services. The way to create social media is to adjust it according to its designation, develop short and interesting content, adjust content to the target market, carry out good communication, and collaborate with other parties. Published photos of products that are interesting in marketing. The second material was finished then followed by a question and answer session about the two materials that had been delivered by the two presenters. Furthermore, the moderator concludes the material that has been delivered by the presenters. The event was closed by the moderator and the last event was closed with a group photo. (Laskar BKA FIP UNY)
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