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The Faculty of Education and Psychology (FIPP) of UNY held an audience with the Head of the Bantul Regency Education, Youth, and Sports Office, on Thursday, April 4th, 2024. The audience was led by the Vice Dean for Research, Cooperation, Information Systems and Business of FIPP, Dr. Siti Rohmah Nurhayati, M.Si., accompanied by the Head of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology of Education, Dr. Shely Catrin, M.Fill., Head of the Department of Special Education, Dr. Sukinah, M.Pd., Head of the Department of Early Childhood Education, Dr. Muthaminah, M.Pd., Secretary of the Department of Educational Administration Aris Suharyadi, M.Pd., Secretary of the Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology as well as Head of the Cooperation and International Affairs Unit, Suyantiningsih, M.Ed., Secretary of the FSP Department Riana Nurhayati, M.Pd., Head of the TP Laboratory, Ariyawan Agung Nugroho S.T., M.Pd., RKSIU FIPP UNY Staff, Mareta Puspita, M.Pd., and Nur Cahya Ningrum, S.Pd. Meanwhile, the Education Office was welcomed by the Head of the Education, Youth, and Sports Office (Dikpora), Nugroho Eko Setyanto, S.Sos., M.M. and Rini Awindarini, SIP, Head of the General and Personnel Subdivision of Education, Youth, and Sports Office of Bantul Regency.
Dr. Siti Rohmah revealed that this audience was to strengthen the cooperation that had been carried out previously and wanted to develop cooperation in other fields.
“UNY is currently a legal entity university (PTNBH) from the previous public service agency (BLU), which is now in line with well-known universities, so there is a lot of competition that demands to improve quality in the fields of education, research, community service (PKM), including cooperation,” said Dr. Siti Rohmah.
Furthermore, “This year the planned collaboration is in the form of research and PKM in the Bantul area in Bantul schools. For this reason, please allow us to excuse us (kulonowon), permission to conduct research and PKM in the community,” she said.
“There is a change in policy from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology regarding this collaboration. One form of cooperation is that there is documentation of cooperation signed by the head of the agency, even though it is a collaboration with the school. Therefore, please ask for permission, if many cooperation documents must be signed. In the future we will also invite the head of the department to attend FIPP to sign the collaboration, “said Dr. Siti Rohmah.
In addition, Dr. Siti Rohmah also said that FIPP has an interesting program and opportunities for cooperation, namely FIPP has 9 departments, which have S2 and several S3, including the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) program, which can be utilized by the Education, Youth, and Sports Office (Dikpora) Bantul to improve the quality of human resources in Dikpora Bantul.
The Head of the Education, Youth, and Sports Office (Dikpora) Bantul Office, Nugroho Eko Setyanto, S.Sos, M.M., welcomed this collaboration. “Any cooperation, there must be benefits,” he said. Furthermore, related to this collaboration, it turns out that in the Bantul Regency local government, as part of the institution's performance assessment, must also document cooperation documents.
Eko added that the hot issues in Dikpora are bullying, the vulnerability of dropping out of school, and disability. Therefore, Eko hopes that FIPP UNY can help solve this problem. “For the technical activities, it can be discussed further,” he said. (rit)

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