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Prof. Dr. Mumpuniarti, M.Pd, Was Confirmed as Professor of Intellectual Barrier Education

Prof. Dr. Mumpuniarti, M.Pd. was confirmed as a Professor of UNY along with 4 other UNY Professors, Saturday (14/5), at the FBS UNY Performance Hall. Prof. Dr. Mumpuniarti was confirmed as a Professor of Intellectual Barrier Education. In his speech, Prof. Dr. Mumpuniarti conveyed about "The Role of The Family for The Nurturing of Child Independence with Intellectual Barriers in the 21st Century Era".
According to Mumpuniarti, the role of parents is very important in the development of learners in the direction of maturity. Maturity is the main goal in education. Maturity for learners without intellectual barriers will make parents not experience many obstacles and will be proud if their children achieve success as expected. But for parents who have children with intellectual barriers (HI) then there are difficulties themselves and become a psychological burden that is not light.
"The family with hi children is a challenge for his family. These challenges need to be addressed by teachers by providing support, parent education, and need to find solutions with programs implemented by families at home," he explained.
Programs implemented by families at home require various roles from the family. Prof. Dr. Mumpuni provides a formulation of the ABDC concept, namely (1) Acceptance. That is, the family accepts the state of HI wholeheartedly, (2) Build. Building daily living activities (activity day living) in the atmosphere of the house, (3) Caring. The family provides attention and care, (4) Dedication. Looking for opportunities to work in the community for his son / daughter.
The optimization of Anak HI's independence is adjusted to the HI category owned. The lightweight category of independence is optimized on functional academic skills and is able to communicate with the use of verbal code, and do work that requires little concept ability. Children with moderate HI, optimized independence on the independence of skills that are not conceptual, the independence of these skills needs to be supported socially and communication on the part of people who have the closest relationship. Children with the hi category of heavy independence who are expected to help themselves are quite good. Children with HI category are very heavy, the main independence is able to help themselves.
The next challenge is finding opportunities to work in society in the 21st century. Mumpuni said that family care for parents who have sons / daughters with HI must believe that under hi children are given various exercises in daily life - more functional days, HI children for self-reliance need life skills, the main character family provides resources for hi children's learning facilities at home, believing that nurture there are benefits while still considering the nature of the category of children with HI.
"This belief must be accompanied by the principle of the ABCD formula in the role of family care for children with HI in self-reliance in the 21st Century Era," he concluded. (rit)

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