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Yogyakarta, Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - An atmosphere of emotion and happiness enveloped the Abdullah Sigit Room, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Yogyakarta State University (FIPP UNY) today, as 245 graduates received their bachelor's and master's degrees. The event, which was marked by the reading of the dean's decree on graduation to the graduates, was a historical moment that they had been looking forward to after completing their educational journey.
In his speech, the Vice Dean for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni of FIPP UNY, Dr. Iis Prasetyo, M.M., gave an inspiring message to the graduates. He emphasized the importance of developing skills after obtaining a bachelor's degree. "After graduation, the diploma cannot stand alone. There are skills that must be developed. You can take part in competency certificates to increase your added value," said Dr. Iis Prasetyo.
In addition, Dr. Iis Prasetyo also reminded the alumni not to forget the almamater. "Don't forget the almamater. At least fill in the Tracer Study. Tracer Studies are an important part of the assessment of KPIs, such as length of study and length of waiting for work. Income earned is also a consideration. Yogyakarta State University has an alumni program and a website that can provide information on job vacancies," he added.
The message from Mr. WD also reminded graduates to make the knowledge gained during college useful for themselves, family, environment, and society in their respective regions. "Make the knowledge useful for yourself, family, environment, and society in your respective regions," he concluded.
With a new spirit and the knowledge they have gained, the graduates of FIPP UNY are ready to step into the next stage of their life journey, bring the good name of the alma mater, and make a meaningful contribution to society and the nation. (rit)

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