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The Faculty of Education and Psychology of Yogyakarta State University once again won 3rd place in the DRPM Award UNY in 2024. The awarding ceremony was held on May 16th, 2024, at UNY Hotel. In this DRPM Award, there are several nominations for individuals and institutions.
Personal achievements achieved by lecturers of the Faculty of Education and Psychology include ranking 3rd in the category of the number of international publications indexed by Scopus at the university level in the category of non-professors achieved by Siti Aminah M.Pd. The third rank in the category of the number of University Scopus citations in the non-large teacher category was achieved by Dr. Herwin, M.Pd., then the second rank in Shinta score 3 years University in the non-large teacher category was achieved by Dr. Herwin, M.Pd., then the category of PKM servants with the largest external funding at the university level in the large teacher category ranked 2nd was achieved by Professor Dr. Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum, M.Si.
While in the nomination for institutions, FIPP obtained 2nd place in the category of the largest number of researches between faculties, and 3rd place in the category of the amount of research funding between faculties. Rank 3 category of the highest number of PKM between faculties. Rank 3 category of the highest amount of PKM funding between faculties and rank 1 category of the number of IPRs at the university level.
The Dean of FIPP UNY, Prof. Dr. Nurtanio Agus Purwanto, M.Pd, was grateful for this achievement. “Congratulations and success for the achievements of the FIPP lecturers. Hopefully, there will be more achievements that we achieve. Aamiin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin,” he hoped.
Meanwhile, Deputy Dean for Research, Cooperation, Information Systems, and Business, Dr. Siti Rohmah Nurhayati, M. Si said, “This achievement cannot be separated from FIPP lecturers who continue to strive to improve the quality and quantity of research, community service, and publication, both with internal and external funds. Hopefully, it will increase the motivation of the lecturers to continue to innovate in carrying out the tri dharma of higher education in a sustainable manner,” he hoped.
The DRPM Award is a tradition of UNY innovation and it is hoped that the results of this work will result in the acceleration and transformation of UNY PTN BH which has a research system that not only has an impact on internal but also on the community stakeholders, the business world, the industrial world and partners as well as being a catalyst in university performance, especially research and community service.

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