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The Academic Field, Student Affairs, and Alumni Division of the Faculty of Education and Psychology (FIPP) at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) held the Selection of Outstanding Students at the Faculty level, Tuesday, March 5th, 2024, in Session 1 FIPP UNY. The selection of outstanding students was attended by 9 undergraduate study programs within the scope of FIPP UNY. The Education Management Study Program was represented by M. Haziq Tsabat Pradana Putra class of 2022, the Non-formal Education Study Program was represented by Mohammad Ridho Agusta Hadrian Syahputra class of 2022, Special Education Sifa Nurajizah class of 2021, Education Technology was represented by Azalie Zata Yumni class of 2022, Guidance and Counseling Study Program was represented by Zahra Dina Alisyha class of 2021, Philosophy and Sociology Education was represented by Ach. Albar class of 2023, Psychology Study Program represented by Ni Putu Miranda Puteri class of 2922, Primary School Education Study Program represented by Mega Setya Handayani class of 2021, and Early Childhood Education Study Program Nabila Chairunnisa.
In the process of selecting outstanding students, the first criterion is to collect portfolio documents in the form of superior achievements in the fields of competition, recognition, awards, organizational careers, work, empowerment or humanitarian action, and entrepreneurship, Second, writing creative ideas to solve development problems related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in the form of articles and presentations, third Presentations in English.
The Vice Dean for Academic field, Student Affairs, and Alumni of FIPP UNY, Dr. Iis Prasetyo, MM said that the Selection of FIPP Outstanding Students in 2024 is an event to give appreciation to students who have a portfolio of achievements, awards, competitions, works and others. Dr. Iis encouraged students to have a competitive spirit. “Because what institutions need in the future are those who have a competitive spirit, who have a good portfolio track record, so that they (institutions) are interested in recruiting as employees,” she said.
Based on the results of the portfolio, the ability to express creative ideas, and fluency in English, it was decided by the jury that there were 3 champions in the selection of outstanding students in 2024 at the FIPP UNY level. First place was won by Mega Setya Handayani, Primary School Education (PGSD) student class of 2021, second place was won by Ni Putu Miranda Puteri, Psychology student class of 2022, and third place was won by Sifa Nurajizah, Special Education (PLB) student class of 2021. (rit).

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